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Social Studies (History):
• Experiences of and challenges of people who live in present-day Canada
• Explore a number of concepts connected to the citizenship education framework, including equity, inclusiveness, law and justice, power and authority, relationships, respect, and rights and responsibilities
Social Studies (Geography):
• Global Inequalities: Economic Development and Quality of Life
• Responsible stewardship - appreciation and respect for human environments and communities
• Explore a number of concepts connected to the citizenship education framework, including equity, freedom, perspective, power and authority, relationships, rights and responsibilities, and stewardship
Canadian and World Studies:
• Politics > Developing an understanding of how to influence change within the diverse communities to which they belong, and of how individuals and groups can participate in action that promotes change; assessing the power and influence of different people involved in civic issues
• Economics> Developing an understanding of the basic needs and wants of people and that people's needs should be respected when economic decisions are made
Health & Physical Education (Health Literacy):
• Social-emotional learning skills - managing emotions; stress management and coping; positive motivation; healthy relationships; identity and self-awareness; critical and creative thinking; ethics
• Healthy Living - consequences of substance use/addiction; sexuality and identity; assessing situations for potential danger; decision making considerations and skills; routines/habits for mental health; stigma; support for trauma; healthy relationships
• Understanding the effects and prevention of all types of violence and bullying/harassment, whether face-to-face or online
• Health topics - how affordability/lack of access can impact healthy eating choices or physical activity options; economic costs associated with substance use
• Oral communication - active listening to understand; public speaking; presentation strategies
• Media literacy - responding to and evaluating texts/presentations
• Information gathering assessment - knowledge and understanding; thinking; communication; application
• Anti-discrimination education - critical thinking about themselves and others in the world in order to promote fairness, healthy relationships, and active, responsible citizenship; asking questions and challenging the status quo; looking at issues of power and justice in society; self-expression and speaking out about issues that strongly affect them; ability to detect negative bias and stereotypes in literary texts and informational materials; inclusive and non-discriminatory language; intercultural communication
• Opportunity to explore issues related to personal identity and community concerns; exposure to content with personal relevance in their day-to-day lives, including issues related to fairness, equity, and social justice
Religious Education (Catholic Boards only):
• Living in solidarity - social justice