Young sad girl looking out the window who has dealt with sex trafficking and looking to prevent from future victims of human trafficking

Awareness, Prevention and Early Intervention

As many as 40,0001 young people experience homelessness in Canada every year, and hundreds of youth are being trafficked2. These issues deeply affect and shape young lives, and often transcend background, income or gender.

We strive to prevent homelessness and sex trafficking by sharing knowledge, raising awareness and reconnecting youth with their families and social networks.

By combining 40 years of front line experience with current research, we provide our community with tools to support those in need, intervene and stop homelessness and trafficking before it even begins.

We work together to ensure every young person has the potential for a bright future.

Prevention in action

24,945 students educated in 2023-2024 on the risks and realities of homelessness and sex trafficking.

11,344 industry staff and community members trained on sex trafficking prevention since 2015.

247 young people reconnected with their families or personal support networks.

All numbers above based on Covenant House Toronto administrative data (2024).
Awareness and prevention presentations teach the next generation about homelessness and sex trafficking

Awareness and prevention presentations

Covenant House school presentations teach the next generation about homelessness and sex trafficking. Our facilitators can help teachers and students recognize and understand the issues.

School presentations

Grades 6 to 12

Students ask us how and why young people become homeless. Through our youth stories, students learn about the complex issues, conflicts, and challenges that led them to homelessness. We discuss positive and healthy coping strategies, encourage compassion for self and others, and encourage students to pursue a life of wellness and success. We also advise them of barrier-free resources and supports in their communities.

Grades 6 to 12

Students ask us what life on the street is like for youth experiencing homelessness. We describe their constant struggle and deglamourize street life. We facilitate a group activity that builds empathy by demonstrating the hardship they face when living independently, without family support, education, or career. We encourage both self and community development, discuss community resources, and inspire students to be part of the solution.

Grades 7 to 12

Sex trafficking often happens right in front of us. Survivors tell us that they didn’t understand what was happening to them or know where to turn for help. Through our survivor stories, students learn about luring and grooming tactics. We also facilitate an activity to familiarize students with warning signs and safety tips to help them protect themselves and each other. We encourage students to trust their guts and advise them where to access help in their communities.

Sophisticated woman wearing glasses in early intervention training class

Early intervention training

Sex trafficking is a local issue and a hidden crime. We teach industry and community agencies to spot and intervene in sex trafficking. The training we provide expands the network of support and early intervention.

Community agency training

Industry prevention training

Smiling young man in a park in family and natural supports program aiming to intervene early to prevent homelessness

Family and natural supports

The Family and Natural Supports program aims to intervene early to prevent homelessness.

We provide a range of supports to youth, aged 16 to 29, who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness, and who want to find and strengthen their network of supportive people.



How this program helps youth

Sad girl in black hoodie sitting down. Help in the fight against homelessness and sex trafficking

Help in the fight against homelessness and sex trafficking. Take action now!

  1. Gaetz, S., O'Grady, B., Kidd, S. and Schwan, K. (2016). Without a Home: The National Youth Homelessness Survey. Toronto: Canadian Observatory on Homelessness Press.
  2. Cotter, A. (2020). Trafficking in Persons in Canada, 2018. Statistics Canada.