A young man looking happy.

Housing and After-care

Many of the youth we serve lack a safe, stable place to call home. These young people face challenges that can interfere with their sense of self and their hopes for the future.

We provide youth with a safe space to call home, which is essential in their journey towards stability.

Every young person will find acceptance, love and shelter at Covenant House. Our housing programs give youth the recovery time they need to get back on their feet. Our after-care services give youth the tools to maintain independence over the long run.

Our impact

94 young people made up the average daily occupancy in our crisis centre.

1,444 youth were supported in our drop-in centre, annually.

254 youth workers on staff to support youth every step of the way.

24-7 availability, with 3 staff shifts, welcoming youth day and night.

All numbers above based on Covenant House Toronto administrative data (2024).

Housing and after-care programs

Boy wearing hoodie with his back against the wall looking for immediate housing

Crisis care

Covenant House provides immediate care to youth in need of urgent support. Our crisis shelter and community support services provide the essentials that are basic human rights.

Crisis shelter

Community support services

A happy girl chopping vegetables in our kitchen in the transitional housing program at Covenant House

Transitional housing

Finding and keeping permanent shelter can be a long process. Covenant House offers a variety of transitional housing options where youth learn to live independently.

CIBC Rights of Passage

Community apartments

Youth in Transition workers

Group of young women relaxing and playing games in the living room of our specialized housing program at The Rogers Home, Covenant House

Specialized housing

We have specialized housing options to serve youth who need more specific support. The Rogers Home, Avdell Home and our supported lodging residences provide customized trauma-informed care and community building that support healing.

The Rogers Home

Avdell Home

Supported lodging program

Group photo of Covenant House Toronto kitchen staff

Help more youth access nourishing meals, shelter and support.