Privacy Policy

Protecting personal information

Covenant House Toronto is committed to collecting, using and disclosing the personal information of its donors in accordance with this policy.

If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, change the frequency of mailings or request your name not be traded with other charities, contact our Donor Care department by:

Telephone: (416) 598-4898 or toll-free 1-800-435-7308
Facsimile: (416) 204-7030

By Mail:
Covenant House Toronto
Attention: Donor Care Department
20 Gerrard Street East
Toronto ON M5B 2P3

For all other privacy inquiries, contact our Privacy Officer at

Scope of this policy

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPEDA")

This Policy sets out the principles that will be observed by Covenant House Toronto (hereinafter "CHT") with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of information about any identifiable individual who is or was a donor or prospective donor. If personal information is made anonymous by removing details so that no individual is identifiable to the user or recipient of that information, this policy will not apply to that information.

Definitions for terms in this policy

Youth Privacy Policy

Principles of privacy policy

Principle 1 – CHT's accountability

Principle 2 – Identifying purposes

Principle 4 – Limiting collection

Principle 5 – Limiting use, disclosure and retention

Principle 6 – Accuracy

Principle 7 – Safeguards

Principle 8 – Openness

Principle 9 – Individual access

Principle 10 – Challenging compliance