Annual Reports

2024 Impact Report

As we concluded the first year of our 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, we continue building on the best and most promising practices in youth homelessness and sex trafficking, and exploring ways of extending our resources to better meet the changing needs of today’s youth.

Last year we saw a 30% increase in demand for our services, with youth staying with us longer. Our team continued to work tirelessly throughout our 2022-2023 fiscal year to provide the necessary care and support to extend care to the thousands of young people we help.

Meeting the unique needs of the youth we support is critical to their immediate and long-term success.  Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have been able to continue delivering critical 24-7 emergency services and life changing programs that empower youth to pursue a life of wellness and opportunity. View our 2024 Financial Statements and visit our digital 2024 Impact Report to learn more.

Previous years

View the last five years of our Charity Information Returns.

For more information related to Covenant House Toronto, including our T3010 and employee compensation information please visit the Charities Directorate of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). This information is available online to provide the public with direct access to information about charities in Canada, including Covenant House Toronto.