The following resources can be provided to students to supplement the modules and help you answer questions that may arise during the sessions.

To help you prepare, see below for some of the most-asked questions during our presentations.

Sex Trafficking 101
A digital resource for students that recaps some of the basics about sex trafficking, including where to get help.

How to Get Help
Frequently Asked Questions
It is always a good idea to save time to discuss questions students might have. If they find it easier to ask questions anonymously, you can encourage them to write down their questions on post-its and paste them on a whiteboard or wall.
Why do traffickers exploit victims this way?
What is the average age of victims who are trafficked? Are only women and young girls trafficked?
Why can't victims just leave their trafficking situation?
How can I protect myself from trafficking?
If I am being trafficked, where can I get help?
How can I support a friend who I suspect is being trafficked?
1 (2008). Strategic Intelligence Brief: Organized Crime and Domestic Trafficking in Persons in Canada (p. 5, ep.) 2 Gabriele, F., et al. (2014). The Incidence of Human Trafficking in Ontario, Ontario Coalition Research Initiative 3 Ibrahim, D. (2018). Trafficking in persons in Canada, 2016. Statistics Canada.