From our work with sex trafficking survivors and our research, we have learned that parents can play a pivotal role in educating their daughters about online luring and sex trafficking at a young age before their risk factors increase. Education and open dialogue are crucial to helping young people recognize the warning signs and risky behaviours that could lead to being unwittingly lured into sex trafficking.
Sex trafficking is happening in our communities, to our children and often right in front of us. Yet many times, the signs go unnoticed by those in the best position to help. Survivors told us they often didn’t understand what was happening to them or know where to turn for help. And the barriers to exiting sex trafficking once someone is entrenched are enormous.
Awareness and education are key to protecting young people. To this end, we recently launched, an online portal with helpful resources for parents and caregivers and the general public.
By the numbers
- Many Canadians believe sex trafficking is only an international issue. In fact, it happens across Canada. 98 per cent of sex trafficking survivors served by our Anti-Trafficking Team are Canadian citizens.1
- 92 per cent of trafficking victims knew the person accused of trafficking them.2 Most commonly, victims were trafficked by a friend or acquaintance or a current or former boyfriend, girlfriend, or other intimate partner
- Females under the age of 25 represent 73% of all victims of trafficking cases.3
- In Canada, many victims are first trafficked around the age of thirteen or fourteen.
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