On a mild day this spring, the dōTERRA Healing Hands™ team joined us at the Avdell home, a short-term residence for victims of sex trafficking. We worked together with the young female residents to plant an aromatherapy garden in their backyard.

Bekah Nixon, dōTERRA’s General Manager for Canada, shares her thoughts on our partnership and what made the garden planting experience so special.

The vision of dōTERRA Healing Hands™ is to empower individuals and communities for positive, sustainable change. Our responsibility is to provide opportunities that could change lives for generations to come.

Our stewardship not only encompasses the gifts of the earth, but of humankind. Wellness and vitality are a right, not a privilege. As such, we have a responsibility to ensure these rights are available to humanity as a whole. This is a big mission, and one we are willing to undertake.

We are grateful for the partnerships we have formed with other organizations that feel the same.


Together with Covenant House, dōTERRA Healing Hands™ hopes to create a safe space for those in crisis to become empowered in new, life-changing ways.

Planting the aromatherapy garden together was a beautiful experience. The Avdell Home is a place of hope and healing, and that is precisely what the aromatherapy garden represents. To work alongside the residents of the home was so impactful and emphasized the importance of Covenant House’s work. The planting day was only a moment in time, but it will live in our hearts long into the future.

And that is one of the reasons we support Covenant House. Rather than focusing on temporary needs, Covenant House concentrates on the long-term quality of life for those affected by sex trafficking. The programs and resources at Covenant House provide opportunities for women to create a new life in the wake of a traumatic past – a life where their experiences do not hold them captive, but allow them to move forward in an empowered way.

Real change is happening at Covenant House. Not only is it happening, but it is happening in the most meaningful of ways.

Having experienced this passion and vision, I am convinced now more than ever that the evil in this world stands no chance as long as we collectively stand up and fight for those who have lost their voices. I applaud Covenant House for the depth and breadth of the work they are doing, and am filled with gratitude for the opportunity we have to partner with such a tremendous organization.

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