Let's Talk About Sex Trafficking

Sex trafficking is one of Canada’s most lucrative and misunderstood crimes targeting youth. Girls as young1 as 13 are being lured online, from schools, malls and other places young people meet to connect with their friends. Yet, only about a quarter2 (28%) of Canadians are familiar with sex trafficking in Canada. The truth is 90% of sex trafficking victims come from Canada3 and it can happen to anyone, regardless of culture, income, education, sexual orientation, or neighbourhood4.

Our research shows that the more youth and their parents know about the issue the better equipped they are to protect themselves5.

Here is some information to help build your knowledge and start the conversation with your child or the young person in your life.

Protecting your child starts with educating yourself on the issue of sex trafficking.
Here are some tools to start the conversation about sex trafficking.
Take the pledge and help protect youth from sex trafficking.
If you or someone you know needs help, please reach out.

To learn more about sex trafficking visit Traffick Stop, Covenant House Toronto's key resource about sex trafficking for caregivers, the general public, service providers and educators.

Covenant House Toronto is grateful to those who provided guidance, feedback and advice to make this prevention and awareness messaging possible, including staff, community members and Voices for Change survivors and anti-human trafficking advocates. We also extend a heartfelt thank you to the agencies who contributed to this campaign.

1. Gabriele, F., et al. (2014). The Incidence of Human Trafficking in Ontario, Ontario Coalition Research Initiative
2. Covenant House, & Leger. (2024). A National Sex Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Study
3. Canadian Women’s Foundation. (2014). “No More”: Ending Sex Trafficking in Canada, Report of the National Task Force on Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls in Canada. Retrieved from https://www.canadianwomen.org/our-work/sector-resources/
4. Barrett, N.A. (2010). An exploration of promising practices in response to human trafficking in Canada. Retrieved from https://icclr.law.ubc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/An-Exploration-of-PromisingPractices-in-Response-to-Human-Trafficking-in-Canada.pdf
5. Covenant House Toronto, & Ipsos Public Affairs. (2018). A National Sex Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Study