When Toronto singer- songwriter Blair Lee toured through Covenant House recently, she couldn’t help but notice all the artwork made by youth.  

“I was very touched and felt emotional seeing the art,” she said. “It’s something I can relate to as an artist – it’s an outlet just like music.”  

Blair was part of a recent visit to Covenant House with her publishers, Sony Music Publishing, where she and others from the company toured the house and helped sort donations, the volunteer work part of their annual Seasons of Giving Campaign.  

Sony Music Group’s (SMG) Season of Giving Campaign works to address food shortages, homelessness and supports the development of music education in local communities. 

We were proud to have partnered with them this season and are grateful to have received a grant in support of our programs and services for youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness and sex trafficking. 

Through the campaign, SMG invites their artists and songwriters to get involved and help give back to their communities. Being local to Toronto, Blair had heard of Covenant House but hadn’t realized how many programs and services are provided to youth to help break the cycle of homelessness. 

Asked about why she got involved with the campaign and her community, Blair said, “I believe that if you can, you should.”  

Thank you to Sony Music Publishing and Blair for their support and generosity this holiday season! 

If you wish to support youth at Covenant House Toronto
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