Wealthsimple shows up for Covenant House with a generous donation drive

This Christmas, Wealthsimple was inspired to increase their level of support and involve their team in the spirit of giving.

After working for several months with the team at Covenant House and supporting staff and youth through financial literacy workshops – “We had a better understanding of what the house was in need of during the holidays,” says Junior Brempong, Senior Associate, Partnerships at the Wealthsimple Foundation.

Together, employees purchased and delivered over 150 bags of much needed items to our doors including over 3,000 gift cards for the young people who will be at Covenant House this holiday season.

“Speaking on behalf of all of us at Wealthsimple, we are in complete awe of just how much is involved in maintaining the house and caring for the young people at Covenant House – this is incredibly inspirational.” – Junior Brempong, Senior Associate, Partnerships at the Wealthsimple Foundation

We are grateful to have the thoughtful and generous support of Wealthsimple throughout the year but especially at Christmas time. Their kindness is helping make the season brighter for young people experiencing homelessness.

Is your corporate team interested in getting involved in a similar way? Please contact: Steve Smyth at ssmyth@covenanthouse.ca

If you wish to support youth at Covenant House Toronto
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