Young man wearing glasses and face mask

By: Zulma, Education Support Worker

For two years, Jonathan accessed various programs and services at Covenant House. Jonathan struggled with his mental health and received vital counselling support and behavioural therapy from our BensKids Health Clinic.

When Jonathan moved out of the crisis shelter and into our transitional housing program, Rights of Passage, he started attending our on-site high school regularly. He was a few credits short of his high school diploma and we worked together to reach his goals.

When the pandemic started, Jonathan was reconnected with his sibling through our Family and Natural Supports program and he moved back home. He continued taking courses online and graduated, maintaining a ninety per cent average.

Jonathan’s graduation is bittersweet. Due to the pandemic, we could not host a celebration to mark our students’ achievements in person. Still, we found a way to express how proud we are of all Jonathan’s accomplishments.

Youth who come to Covenant House have been through so much. Whenever we can, we take the time to rejoice and relish in their achievements. It is wonderful to see their dreams become a reality.

For Jonathan, this includes applying to university and pursuing a science degree in psychology. Through online learning, Jonathan has already gained great skills for independent learning that will serve him well.

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