Gaining valuable work experience through the support of community


As a participant in Covenant House’s Cooking for Life work readiness program, *Zee has learned about teamwork, about kitchen prep, and how a professional kitchen is run. 

Most recently, Zee had the chance to work the food prep line at Brasa Peruvian Kitchen in Toronto’s west end, which gave her a whole new set of tools – not to mention experience she can put on her resume to find work in the hospitality sector.  

“I learned to manage my time properly – portioning ingredients for smoothies, chopping herbs and cucumbers,” Zee said. “I had to get that done in the correct timeframe to get them on the line so the chef could serve them to people.”  

This day allowed Zee and three other CHT youth to work in a real-world kitchen – an opportunity made possible by a partnership between Brasa Peruvian Kitchen and Covenant House. 

It’s employment partnerships like these that provide youth with opportunities to gain valuable work experience that will increase their chances of finding employment – a key step in moving towards a life of independence. 

“It’s great to be able to give back and have the youth in to experience what it’s like to have gainful employment,” said Brasa manager Guillermo Russo. Brasa also donated proceeds from the day’s earnings to Covenant House and the youth were paid for their labour.  

Members of Covenant House’s Next Gen Council popped by the restaurant, which serves salads and bowls with a Peruvian twist, to show their support and buy lunch. The council, which is made up of young professionals who help support Covenant House youth through fundraising and forging program opportunities, helped make this connection.  

“We are always trying to find new and inventive ways to raise money for Covenant House, raise awareness and also to create new opportunities for the young people who are working on their journeys forward,” said Michael Seater, a Next Gen council member who stopped by for a meal. 

As for Zee, she appreciated the encouraging atmosphere and the opportunity to build her skills.  

“Just the chance to get in the kitchen and work with such welcoming and nice people was the best part of the experience for me.”

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