Cooking for Life volunteer, JodiThe Covenant House Cooking For Life program is a culinary arts program that gives youth hands-on training they can use in the hospitality industry and beyond.

Led by a professional chef in our restaurant-equipped training kitchen, the program teaches important skills, from teamwork to time management.

Jodi Weisleder is one of our long-time Cooking for Life volunteers. She started working with us eight years ago to bring her considerable baking skills to the program.

"My motives were simple,” explains Jodi, “After graduating from culinary school I wanted to put my skills to good use. I'm also a mother of two children who were given an immense amount of love and support. I wanted to teach, help and motivate youth who were not fortunate enough to come from the same circumstances."

We have appreciated Jodi’s delicious contributions over the years! You can find one of Jodi’s most requested recipes, below. It’s a seasonal favourite at Covenant House, but delicious any time of year.

Apple Pie

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease pie pans before assembling ingredients. This recipe makes 2 apple pies.

Ingredients for the dough:

• 700 g flour
• 200 g cold butter finely diced
• 200 g shortening
• 300 ml cold water
• One egg (for brushing the top layer of the pie)

Ingredients for the filling:

• 5 green apples
• 3/4 cup butter
• 3/4 cup flour
• 1/2 cup brown sugar
• 1/2 cup white sugar
• 1/2 cup water
• 1 tsp cinnamon
• 1/2 tsp nutmeg
• 1 tsp salt


1. Begin making the dough by gently mixing the flour and shortening, slowly adding water. Mix it until the dough resembles cut cloth. Do not overmix the dough, or else it will be hard.

2. Wrap plastic around it and let it chill for 30 minutes.

3. To make the apple filling, start by peeling and slicing the green apples.

4. In a pan, cook the flour and butter over medium heat to form a roux.

5. Add the rest of the ingredients and once it begins to bubble transfer to a bowl with the apples. Refrigerate.

6. On a floured surface, cut the dough in half. Use a rolling pin to roll one half of the dough, and unroll it onto a pie dish. Make sure the dough reaches all corners and trim any extra dough if necessary.

7. Pour the apple mixture into the pie dish, on top of the dough. Pat it down to ensure that it’s even. Take the other half of dough and roll it over the top. Place a hole in the centre to allow any air to escape. Trim the extra dough from the edges and pinch them together, creating a crust.

8. Use a brush to spread an egg wash (made out of a beaten egg) on the top layer of the pie. Sprinkle it with sugar.

9. Put the pie in the oven and let it bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until the crust is golden brown.

Allow for the pie to cool down completely before slicing. Enjoy!


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